Property & Casualty Insurance
J. M. Patton Associates offers comprehensive property and general liability programs that will protect your business from damage, whether it is physical damage to your property or damage to a third party. Below is a brief list of coverages available to you through J. M. Patton Associates.
Property Coverage
Provides coverage for losses of direct nature to your assets, whether it is your building, contents or equipment. It also provides loss of income via business interruption insurance in the event your business is halted for a measured period of time.
General Liability Insurance
General liability coverage protects your company from third party claims resulting in bodily injury or property damage.
Medical Malpractice Insurance
Our medical malpractice insurance package will protect your medical practice from claims of bodily injury while providing professional services to your patients.
Professional Liability Coverage
Professional liability provides coverage for your errors or omissions that cause financial loss to your client that is not covered by general liability insurance.
If you have any questions about insurance, or any of the other services we offer, call the JMP team today. We value our relationships with our clients and would be more than happy to speak with you concerning your insurance needs.

Directors and Officers Liability
Often referred to as D&O, directors and officers insurance is a liability insurance payable to the directors and officers of a company, or to the organization itself. If such a loss is suffered as a result of a legal action brought for alleged wrongful acts in their capacity as directors and officers, this insurance serves as reimbursement for losses or advancement of defense costs.
Workers’ Compensation
Workers’ compensation provides coverage to your employees if injured while on the job as required by law.
Umbrella Liability Coverage
Umbrella liability is additional layers of casualty protection for your company and extends over your underlying general liability, commercial auto and employers’ liability.
Employment Practices’ Liability
Employment practices’ liability provides coverage for claims from employees or former employees alleging wrongful termination, sexual harassment, age discrimination, among others.
Cyber Liability
Cyber liability provides protection in the event of a computer breach that could compromise the privacy of your business and client base.
Personal Lines
This liability insurance protects individuals, as opposed to organizations, and includes homeowners insurance, automobile insurance, umbrella insurance and more.